
未来博士3分間コンペティション2023 プレゼンテーション審査員会
HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2023 – Respective Judging Panels

 As of November 2, 2023


原山 優子 特定非営利活動法人(NPO法人)日本科学振興協会 代表理事
東北大学 名誉教授
浦上 裕光 シュプリンガー・ネイチャー
増井 玲子 トーストマスターズ・インターナショナル
国際スピーチコンテスト 2016年District Champion (District 76)、2021年District Champion (District 29)
キューン ミッシェル 名古屋大学 大学院法学研究科アカデミックライティング講師
三須 敏幸 広島大学グローバルキャリアデザインセンター 教授
関口 敏宏 マイクロンメモリジャパン株式会社
テクノロジーデベロップメント ダイレクター

English Division

HARAYAMA Yuko Co-chair of the Board of Directors, Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
Former Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cabinet Office, Japan
URAKAMI Hiromitsu Springer Nature
Academic Engagement Director, Academic Affairs
MASUI Reiko Toastmasters International
International Speech Contest District Champion for 2016 (District 76) and 2021 (District 29)
KUHN Michelle Nagoya University
Graduate School of Law Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science International Comparative Law and Political Science Lecturer
MISU Toshiyuki Hiroshima University
Global Career Design Center, Professor
SEKIGUCHI Toshihiro Micron Memory Japan, K.K.
Technology Development Director

HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2023 – Respective Judging Panels

 As of November 2, 2023
HARAYAMA Yuko Co-chair of the Board of Directors, Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
Former Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cabinet Office, Japan
URAKAMI Hiromitsu Springer Nature
Academic Engagement Director, Academic Affairs
MASUI Reiko Toastmasters International
International Speech Contest District Champion for 2016 (District 76) and 2021 (District 29)
KUHN Michelle Nagoya University
Graduate School of Law Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science International Comparative Law and Political Science Lecturer
MISU Toshiyuki Hiroshima University
Global Career Design Center, Professor
SEKIGUCHI Toshihiro Micron Memory Japan, K.K.
Technology Development Director